Kerala State Land Use Board was established in 1975 under Department of Planning and Economic Affairs, Government of Kerala. The Board has been declared as a State Government Department during 2007 as per G.O. (MS) No. 3/2007/Plg. Dated 07-02-2007 and is functioning to assist the State Government to frame policies for optimum land use and natural resource management in the State, with the basic objective of providing necessary advisory support on matters related to the optimum use of land and land resources viz; soil, water, bio-resource. Department also caters to GIS needs of line departments.


Generate and analyse spatial data on land resources to ensure their sustainable management and conservation.


The major objectives of Land Use Board are review of existing land use in the State and exploring possibilities of effective land use in a sustainable manner. The objectives includes, taking effective measures to protect good agricultural lands against (i) depletion on account of soil erosion due to wind, water, sea. (ii) water logging and salinity (iii) loss of fertility (iv) urbanization and industrialization. The organization advises the Government regarding agricultural laws in general with particular references to the problems relating to conservation, development and management of lands.


  • To collect and collate data on land resource and land use
  • To undertake surveys on current land resources and land use
  • To initiate studies on appropriate land use and related aspects
  • To recommend appropriate policy framework to help the Government to arrive at correct decision on land
  • To administer and co-ordinate the implementation of the decisions of the Government related to land use without displacing the existing agencies.


State Land Use Board as a niche of database on land resources and many organizations are making use of the facilities available in the Department. The Department organizes awareness among students, youth, farmers, planners and men of all walks of life on the need for conservation, development and management of our most precious land resources.

The major services provided by the Department are:-

1. Preparation of land and water related resource maps
2. Delineation of micro watersheds
3. Agro ecological zonation
4. Recommendation of suitable land use
5. Preparation of watershed based master plans
6. Studies on land resources
7. Awareness on land resource conservation
8. Technical Support Organization (TSO) for Watershed & NRM projects
9. GIS support for Haritha Keralam & MGNREGS
10. Consultancy services on land use planning (LUP) and GIS
11. Sustainable development for Natural Resources of LAC and website development
12. Research support for students and scholars
13. Need based data delivery on natural resources